Cancellation Form

Free changes
Did you know that in many cases you can change a booking for free? With our rebooking guarantee, you can change a booking up to 28 days before arrival. At no charge! So you can easily change the selected date, the park or holiday accommodation type later. Check first if you can change before you cancel. Read more about our rebooking guarantee, or change your booking right away in My Roompot.

Do you prefer to cancel? No problem. It will be subject to a charge.

Cancellation fee
The cancellation fee you pay will depend on when you cancel. Normally, you'll pay the booking fee and paid preferences you may have selected while booking. You will also pay part of the rental price. This is the price of your holiday, without any additional charges and additional extras. The sooner you cancel, the smaller the portion that will be charged.

When will you be paying what amount?

  • Cancellation up to the 92nd day before arrival: 15% of the rental price.
  • Cancellation from the 92nd day to the 62nd day before arrival: 50% of the rental price.
  • Cancellation from the 62nd day to the 31st day before arrival: 75% of the rental price.
  • Cancellation from the 31st day to the day before arrival: 90% of the rental price.
  • Cancellation from the arrival day or later: 100% of the rental price.

Cancellation insurance
If you have taken out cancellation insurance, you can recover these costs. Please contact your insurer for this.


Cancellation Form

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